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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


On May 29th, 1917 the worlds soon-to-be Greatest American was born. Jonathan Fitzgerald Kennedy became the 2nd child in the Kennedy family. The proud parents, Joseph and Rose, look down at the child and know that he will someday be great. Little Kennedy was born in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, a Boston Suburb, and later moved to Riverdale, New York; and lastly Bronxville, New York. Joseph Jr. (1915-1994) was John’s older brother. It always seemed to John that his brother was better than him at everything, and that his father loved Joseph more than him. John’s father depended on Joe for everything. Everything from taking care of the younger siblings, to one day leading the family to fame and fortune. Although John’s father loved every single atom in his little body, it didn’t always seem that way. After John came Rosemary (1918-2005), then Kathleen (1920-1948), after Kathleen came Eunice (1921-2009), then Patricia (1924-2006), on down the line to Robert (1925-2006), to Jean (1928-Today), and lastly, little baby Edward (1932-2009), or as the rest of the family called him, Ted. With a family filled with 9 children, it was hard to get the constant attention that every child wants and needs. Though after a while, John no longer let it bother him. Kennedy was the 2nd of a total of 9 children! That’s a lot to keep track of! The Mother, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, (July 22nd 1890-January 22nd 1995) and the Father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, (September 6th 1888-November 18th 1969) who was also one of the richest men in America! So obviously providing for this gigantic family wasn’t very difficult and certainly not something to worry about.
John F. Kennedy lived though many life changing events. He witnessed World War 1 fought in World War 2; saw the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
When Kennedy turned 13 years old his father sent him away to the Canterbury school in New Milford, Connecticut. Next year, at 14 years of age, John was transferred to Choate Academy located in Wallingford, Connecticut. Senior year his classmates voted him “Most Likely to Succeed.” He graduated from Choate in 1935, he was 18 years old. John took a course at the London School of Economics in 1936. Kennedy then moved on to Stanford University Graduate Business School in 1936. He dropped out of Stanford 6 months later to join the U.S. Navy. After dropping out, Kennedy was accepted into Harvard University in 1936. He majored in Government and International Relationships. During his senior year at Harvard he wrote his senior thesis, “While England Slept,” and graduated in 1940. After Harvard he then finally “Joined” the U.S. Navy.
When John F. Kennedy finished his education and fought in the Navy, he decided to settle down and start a family. Jacqueline “Jackie” Lee Bouvier, (July 28, 1929-May 19, 1995) had the key to John Kennedy’s heart right from, “Hello.” The two fell in love and were married on September 12, 1953. They had four children together, although two of them died during birth. Their first child was stillborn on August 23rd, 1956, the daughter remained unnamed. Their 2nd child, though this was the 1st one to survive, was born on November 27th, 1957; the baby girl was named Caroline, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy. The next child was born on November 25th, 1960. The Kennedy’s gave him the name Jonathan Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. At the age of 39, John Jr. was killed in an airplane crash. The last child, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, was born prematurely on August 7th 1963, the baby died about 48 long, and painful hours later, on August 9th 1963. When John F. Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States, Little Caroline was 3 years old and baby John Jr. was not even a year of age. They were the youngest children to live in the white house for more that 60 years! While in the white house cute little Caroline’s antics and bright Comments amused the nation. Jackie herself became quite popular while living in the white house. While her husband was busy running the nation, Jackie was out inspiring women across the globe! Talk about a Popularity contest there! Jacqueline’s fashionable clothing, hair-do, and make-up styles were being stolen by women of all ages from coast to coast! John F. Kennedy started his political career after his older brother, Joe, died. According to the article “John F. Kennedy” written by Sean Wilents, Kennedy wrote, “Just as I went into politics because Joe died, if anything happened to me tomorrow, my brother Bobby would run for my seat in the senate, and if Bobby died, Teddy would take over for him.” John’s Brother Joseph Changed his life forever. After all the years of despising his older brother, it finally turned out to be a good thing. His brother started to get him interested in politics, then, when Joe died, John was 100% ready to take his place in politics. In 1946, Kennedy was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Massachusetts. In the year of 1952, John became one of the U.S. Senates for the state of Massachusetts. He was defeated for the vice presidential nomination in 1956. In 1960, John became known as, “President Kennedy”, our 35th president, though most people called him,”JFK.” Mr. Kennedy has come a long way, from being beat up by his older brother, (the one with all the attention), to the one in charge of the nation, all eyes on him, the one with all the attention. In 1963, JFK submitted the Civil Rights Bill to Congress. John wrote a book while in his presidential term, “Profiles in Courage,” that won the Pulitzer Prize. During his campaign he promised to “Get America Moving Again,” states the article, “Kennedy, John F.,” on Student Resource Center-Gold. He hollered all across the nation that, “A New Generations of Americans had taken over leadership of the country.” 68% of Kennedys votes were African Americans, and 78% of his votes were Catholics. Sean Wilents writes on how Kennedy reeled in Americans, Kennedy states that “Americans will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose and foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty, this much we pledge and more.” Although his most famous quote, writes wilents, is “Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” Kennedy had a strong way with words, people loved how he spoke, just the words them selves fit perfectly together like a puzzle. After a long, stressful, hard campaign, Kennedy finally got what he deserved, the 35th president of the United States was chosen by America. Welcome to office President Kennedy.
During his second year of his Presidency, JFK was shot to death by an assassin on November 22nd, 1963. Kennedy was assassinated by Oswald Lee Harvey. At the time the police thought Harvey was part of a group who had planned to murder the President. A lady by the name of Sarah T. Hughes gave the oath of office to the soon to be president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, on an airplane. Johnson became the 36th president of the United States. Johnson reported to the nation the news of their beloved Kennedys death. Sean Wilents states the Johnson tell the nation, “This is a sad time for all people; we have suffered a loss that can not be weighed.” Oswald was later arrested in a theatre, the man was charged with murders of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and a police man, Officer Tippit. Five years after the death of John, Jackie married a Greek millionaire, Aristotle Onassis. What. A. Jerk. Kennedy’s funeral took place on November 25th 1963. Representatives form over 90 different countries attended John’s funeral. Mrs. Kennedy was buried next to her husband in 1995. The John F. Kennedy Space Center was named in honor of this unforgettable hero.

1st Influence!

"One Small Step For Man, One Giant Step For Mankind." These are the famous words spoken by the first American to lay foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong. But who truly inspired these words. You guessed it! John F. Kennedy! May 25th, 1961, the acronym N.A.S.A (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) first entered America's vocabulary. Kennedy announced to congress that he wanted to safely send an American to the moon before the end of the decade. (SAFELY being the key word there!) Sean Wilents says that Kennedy felt the pressure to "catch up to and over take" the Soviet Reunion in the "Space Race." The first American in space was Alan Shepard on May 5th, (My Birthday.) ;D So turns out, the whole NASA company was all inspired by JFK. If he's not the greatest American then I'd like to see who is!

2nd Influence!

In 1947, John was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. This disease effects people of all ages. Addison's sometimes causes skin to turn a brown, or golden brown color. (causing you to look tan year round.) It affects your body's response to stress. But this was not the only illness Kennedy had to go through, during his childhood, he had been to the hospital more than 3 dozen times! He faced many different health hardships, all the way from being severely injured in the war, to, well, Addison's Disease. There is one reason why all these sicknesses make him the greatest American...because he kept on going. He never gave up, and I respect him for that. He was told that he had only a few years to live, that he best settle down now, but did that stop him? No. Instead he became president of the United States! He never let life's hardships slow him down, and that alone, makes him the greatest.

Fun Facts!!!

-He served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. He was decorated for heroism in World War II for saving three men after his vessel was sunk by a Japanese destroyer.

-The Nixon-Kennedy debates were the first ever to be televised

-He had 8 siblings, and was born into a rich family. He was often ill as a child.

-He is only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize, for his collective biography, "Profiles in Courage."

-He was the first Roman Catholic. He was also the first president to have died before his parents, though he was the 4th assassinated.

-He was the youngest man elected president (43) and the youngest to die in office (46).

-The Kennedy family had a pony named Macaroni and Caroline had a puppy named Pushinka.

What Were The Names And Birth Dates Of Kennedy's 2 Surviving Children?

During The Years Of 1935-1936 What School Was Kennedy Attending?

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Works Cited.
"John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Mid-Continent Public Library. Biography Resource Center, 1998. Web. 24 Feb. 2010.
"Kennedy, John Fitzgerald." Student Resource Center-Gold. DISCovering Biography, 2003. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.
Wilents, Sean. "Kennedy, John Fitzgerald." World Book Online. World Book Student, 1998. Web. 24 Feb. 2010.